African american gay bars chicago

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The National Coalition of Black Gays (NCBG) was organized by A. ORAL HISTORY: Watch Pat McCombs talk on Racism in the 70s The National Coalition of Black Gays ORAL HISTORY: Watch Pat McCombs talk on the Carding issue in the 70s ORAL HISTORY: Watch Pat McCombs talk on Racism in Chicago's Gay Community in the 70s ORAL HISTORY: Watch Max Smith talk on the Carding Issue in the 70s Since most gay organizations at the time were insensitive to these problems, African American gays and lesbians in Chicago started to organize politically. Many African Americans gays and lesbians recalled being asked for several identification cards to gain access to gay bars. In the late 70s and early 80s, racism was very prevalent in Chicago's gay community. (Full-length interviews are available on Chicago Gay History Copyright Prairie Avenue Productions, LLC) Racism in Chicago's Gay Community Gay Life, Friday Ma(Coutesy of Chuck Renslow)

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